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Make your own Countdown Clocks

Friday, August 14, 2009

is it me?or just my illusion?

Feeling myself is not being myself recently....or myself is changing to bcome some1 who i don reli like? confusion... :S

Been acting kinda strange lately..i feel..hahaha..and den..is just so strange...and strange..where's the last time de me go??woohoo..KHAW BEE HONG...fan loi lor~~ hahahahaha...ah chiu..gila dy me...hahahahah....

aiks...assignment piling up dy...NGO MM ZAI~~~
i reli ki siao dy...stop here and tell u All my READERS!!
GUA cinta LU? hahahahaha...siao...signing out~~ bye bye~!

1 comment:

  1. lol... u reli not urself dy...
    u sot dy... whahhahha... lalala
    lu siong si beng ka...
    lu memang sedang bercinta la...
